Tools object
WordsAnalysis object

The "WordsAnalysis" object provides methods for analyzing strings.

CountWords Returns the number of words in the given text.
CountWords( Text As String ) As Long
FuzzyMatch Compares two given strings and returns the fuzzy match index.
FuzzyMatch( String1 As String, String2 As String ) As Long
GetWords This method works like the CountWords method and additionally writes the counted words in an array.
GetWords( Text As String, TextArray As Variant ) As Long
HasSpellingErrors Checks for spelling errors in the given text.
HasSpellingErrors( Text As String, LanguageCode As String ) As Boolean
IsSpellCheckerSupportedLanguag Checks whether the language with the given language code is supported by the spell checkers.
IsSpellCheckerSupportedLanguage( LanguageCode As String ) As Boolean

Last Updated: 04/27/05