Checks whether the language with the given language code is supported by the spell checkers.


IsSpellCheckerSupportedLanguage( LanguageCode As String ) As Boolean
Return: Boolean
Parameters: LanguageCode Language code of the language to be checked.

Dim Tool As WordsAnalysis
Dim LangCode As String
Dim TU As TransUnit
Dim SpellingErrors As Boolean

Set Tool = Application.Tools.WordsAnalysis
Set TU = Application.ActiveTransUnit
LangCode = "ja"

If (Tool.IsSpellCheckerSupportedLanguage(LangCode)) Then
    If Not (TU Is Nothing) Then
        SpellingErrors = Tool.HasSpellingErrors(TU.Target, LangCode)
    End If
End If

See also:

Class WordsAnalysis

Last Updated: 06/28/04