Tools object
DirectoryTool object

The "DirectoryTool" object provides methods that are useful with directories and files.

GetAbsolutePath Returns the absolute path of a given relative file name depending on the given absolute main file name.
DirectoryTool.GetAbsolutePath( MainFileName As String,
DependentFileName As String ) As String
GetApplicationINIFile Returns the path and name of the application INI file.
GetApplicationINIFile() As String
GetDefaultHTMLGUIPath Returns the default path of the HTML GUI pages.
GetDefaultHTMLGUIPath() As String
GetDefaultMacroPath Returns the default path of the macros files.
GetDefaultMacroPath() As String
GetDirectoryForProtocolFile( XLIFFFile As String, CreatePath As Boolean ) As String
GetInstallationDirectory Returns the installation directory.
GetInstallationDirectory() As String
GetProtocolFileNameWithWildcard( XLIFFLanguageFile As String ) As String
GetRelativePath Returns the relative path of a given absolute file name depending on the given absolute main file name.
DirectoryTool.GetRelativePath( MainFileName As String,
DependentFileName As String ) As String
GetStringFromIniFile Gets the value from the given INI file.
GetStringFromIniFile( Section As String, Key As String,
IniFile As String ) As String
GetTempDirectory Returns the temporary directory of the user.
GetTempDirectory() As String
GetTemplatePath Returns the template path.
GetTemplatePath() As String
GetTempRCWinTransDirectory Returns the RC-WinTrans directory of the user.
GetTempRCWinTransDirectory() As String
GetTimeOfProtocolFileName( ProtocolFileName As String ) As String
WriteStringToIniFile Writes the value to an INI file.
WriteStringToIniFile( Section As String, Key As String,
Value As String, IniFile As String) As Boolean

Last Updated: 03/17/21