Updates the translation data of a single source file or of all the source files for the specified target language. Unchanged source files will be skipped (no update). To force an update for an unchanged source file, use the parameter forceAll (=True).


ExFcts.UpdateDatabaseUpdateDatabase( projFile As String, srcFile As String,
    tgtFile As String, Lang As String, logFile As String, forceAll As Boolean,
    nFilesUpdated As Variant, DeletedItems As Variant, NewItems As Variant,
    ChangedItems As Variant ) As long

Return: Boolean. "True" if successful. Otherwise "False".

Parameters: projFile As String
Project file name; the full path to the translation project file (.rwtproject)
or the project database file (.fsmdb).

srcFile As String
Source file; the source file name for which translation data will be updated.
The string can be the full path plus the file name, or only the file name.
Note: Use an empty string to apply the data update to all source files.

Lang As String
Target language; the language code for the language to be used.

logFile As String
File name; the name of the log file to which processing information is written.

forceAll As Boolean
True: Forces a data update for all source files.
False: Updates the data for changed source files only.

nFilesUpdated As Variant [out]
Returns the number of files being updated. The parameter can be a null pointer.

nDeletedItems As Variant [out]
Returns the number of items being removed. The parameter can be a null pointer.

nNewItems As Variant [out]
Returns the number of new items added to the database. The parameter can be a null pointer.

nChangedtems As Variant [out]
Returns the number of items with a changed source text. The parameter can be a null pointer.


Dim b As Boolean
b = RCWinTrans.ExFcts.UpdateDatabase("MyProj.fsmdb","", "ja-JA","",False,Null,Null,Null,Null)

If RCWinTrans.Errors.Count > 0 Then
   MsgBox RCWinTrans.Errors.LastError
End If

See also:

Class ExFcts

Last Updated: 03/20/21