Sets or deletes the marker for the entry with the given index.


SetMarker( Index As Long, Column As RWTMarkerColumns, Marker As Boolean ) As Boolean
Return: Boolean
Parameters: Index Index of the entry where the marker is set.
Column Column where the marker is set.
Marker True: Marker will be set; False: Marker will be deleted.

Dim View As TextTableView
Dim Markers As Boolean
Dim RetVal As Boolean

Set View = Application.ActiveProject.ProjectDocument.TextTableView

If (View.MarkersAvailable) Then
    Call View.RemoveAllMarkers
    RetVal = View.SetMarker(1, column_source, True)
    If (Not (View.HasMarker(1, column_source))) Then
        MsgBox "No success !"
    End If
End If

See also:

Class TextTableView

Last Updated: 04/27/05