Adds a group to the node with the given node number. The function returns the node number of the new group.


AddGroup( ParentNodeNumber As Long ) As Long
Return: Long
Parameters: ParentNodeNumber Node number of the parent node.

Dim File As XliffFile
Dim FileNo As Long
Dim GroupNo As Long
Dim TUNo As Long
Dim RetVal As Boolean
Set File = Tools.XMLTool.CreateXLIFFFile("C:\test.xlf")
FileNo = File.AddFileSection("en-us", "database.mdb", "database")
GroupNo = File.AddGroup(FileNo)
TUNo = File.AddTransUnit(GroupNo, "en-us", "Text", "")
RetVal = File.AddProperty(TUNo, "resname", "", "IDS_TEXT")
If (RetVal) Then
End If

See also:

Class XLIFFFile | XMLTool::CreateXLIFFFile |

Last Updated: 04/21/04