Transforms a given IXMLDOMNode with a given XSTL file to a target file.


Transform( DOMNode As IXMLDOMNode, XSLTFileName As String,
TargetFileName As String, Overwrite As Boolean ) As Boolean
Return: Boolean
Parameters: DOMNode The DOM Node to be transformed.
XSLTFileName The path and name of the XSLT file used for the transformation.
TargetFileName The path and name of the target file.
Overwrite Affects wheather an already existing target file will be overwritten.

Dim Tool As XML Tool
Dim TU As TransUnit

Set Tool = Application.Tools.XMLTool
Set TU = Application.ActiveTransUnit

Call Tool.Transform( TU.XMLDOMNode, "c:/Data/Test.xsl", "c:/Data/Test.htm")

See also:

Class XMLTool

Last Updated: 11/24/04